So. You’ve successfully navigated year one of SFCC’s graphic design program – that Byzantine labyrinth of classes, projects, and assignments that would cause even the heartiest of souls to despair. And you’re thinking to yourself, Self, I could sure use a break right about now.

Don’t. Just…don’t.

Instead, head on over to the official Helveticahaus scholarship application page for a chance to win $1,000 toward next year’s tuition – along with fame and glory and the respect of your peers. (But mainly the cash.)

We’re not in the business of handing out a fat stack to just anyone, though, so we’ve established a single criterion for eligibility: You must be enrolled at SFCC as an incoming second-year graphic design student.

Apart from providing some information and answering a handful of questions, that’s…about it.

So unless your trust fund is sufficient to fund the rest of your education, we recommend applying today. (And even if you don’t need the money, it’s still totally worth it, if only to be able to include “2018 Helveticahaus Scholarship Winner” in your Tinder profile.)

Good luck!

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