Outstanding Performance

It’s hard to say what 2024 Hh scholarship winner Gavin Davis will perform for his next gig. Music or graphic design? Either way, he’s got the talent and drive to pull it off. Gavin tells us that music was his first love – and from the way he talks about his middle and high school years, we know he means it. To the point of staying in the band room every day after school until the staff kicked him out and locked the building. Talk about a serious band nerd. After high school, he graduated to bona fide musician, [...]

October 2nd, 2024|news|

The 2024 Helveticahaus Scholarship application is LIVE!

It’ll be worth your time. And easier than you think. What’ll be? Applying for the Helveticahaus scholarship. We’re giving away $1,000 for school, and it’s only for students finishing their first year in graphic design at SFCC. That’s you, no? Those thousand bucks would be useful. So you could avoid: > getting stressed about money > working extra hours at a crummy part-time job > living on ramen and PB&J And have more time for what you love: > creating hella good design The application is live. Just click here to tell us a bit about yourself, answer a few questions, and submit your portfolio. But [...]

May 7th, 2024|news|

Good Game, Well Played

Congratulations to our 2023-24 Hh scholarship winner, Kambria Schaffer. A self-described “big, big gamer” who’s massively competitive yet loves rooting for others, Kambria jokes that school can get in the way of her real love – video gaming. “At the moment,” she says, “My obsession is Baldur’s Gate 3.” In case you’re as old as we are, and the last video game you tried was “Pong,” we’ll save you the Google search. “Baldur’s Gate” is a popular video game series based on the role-playing style of Dungeons & Dragons. (If you don’t know what D&D is, you’re on your [...]

November 1st, 2023|news|

The 2023 Helveticahaus Scholarship application is LIVE!

Aaaand that’s a wrap. Winter in Spokane is officially over. How do we know – for sure, for sure? Well, the snowplows are gone, the pothole patchers are here, and there are safety orange (#FF6700) cones ev-er-y-where. Which can only mean only one thing: summer’s here, and next year’s tuition is due soon. Ok, technically, that’s two things. The point is, as the weather gets warmer, it’s time to think about how to pay for another year of school. And we’ve got a suggestion: Apply for the Helveticahaus Scholarship. Way back – too many summers ago – we were [...]

May 24th, 2023|news|

Drumroll please. This year’s scholarship winner is…

Congratulations to our 2022-23 Hh scholarship recipient, Antoni Carlson. What can we tell you about Antoni? He’s an open-hearted, honest, and sincere person – the type who naturally wants to support others. He’s also super chill. “I like to go with the flow,” Antoni says. And he stays in the flow by connecting with nature – camping, backpacking, skiing. Being just minutes from the mountains is something he loves about living in Spokane. “It’s relaxing to get away from everything. It just feels right.” But, oh boy, does Antoni’s demeanor change when you mention something creative like photography or [...]

October 19th, 2022|news|

The 2022 Helveticahaus Scholarship application is LIVE!

You’ve probably heard the news. A buck ain’t what it used to be. It takes a lot more of your paycheck to buy a gallon of gas and a six-pack of whatever it is you kids are drinking these days. We’re not economists, but we are old. And we remember the last time inflation was this stupid: back when we were students at Spokane Falls Community College. When Donna Summer and Rod Stewart ruled the airwaves. When minimum wage was less than $3 an hour. And when President Jimmy Carter told the American Society of Newspaper Editors that we [...]

May 25th, 2022|news|

Helveticahaus Scholarship Winners Announced

When CK and Linda Anderson founded Helveticahaus in 2015, it wasn’t just about showcasing “the most revered font in the world.” That, it turns out, was just an excuse: to do the more important work of inspiring design students throughout the Inland Northwest. And within a year, proceeds from merchandise sales had funded the first graphic design scholarship at the founders’ alma mater: Spokane Falls Community College. The tradition continues in 2021 with the awarding of $2,500 in scholarships to SFCC students Dina Curtis, Elisabeth Empey, Mikael Leighty, Breanna Stewart, and Tierney Vogler. Five winners? “We received not only [...]

December 8th, 2021|news|

The 2021 Helveticahaus Scholarship application is LIVE!

Normalcy. Not exactly the sort of ideal that we creative types aspire to, but boy does that word have a nice ring to it these days. As COVID beats a hasty retreat, we can all bid adieu to face-mask breath, interminable Zoom meetings, and – alas – stimmy checks. But as the eminent poet-philosopher Meat Loaf once sang, two out of three ain’t bad. Unless, of course, you’re enrolled at Spokane Falls Community College as an incoming second-year graphic design student – in which case we’re prepared to continue the largesse with a check for $1,000 toward next year’s tuition. All you have to do [...]

May 25th, 2021|news|

Here’s some good news for you.

Jason & Ksenia & Madison & $2000. See these fresh-faced students full of hope and promise? Take a good look – before their spirits are broken and their confidence destroyed. (Kidding! Everything is going to be perfect!) This is where your money goes when you buy from Helveticahaus: to students like Jason Thomas (left), Ksenia “Susha” Akimova (center), and Madison Allen (right), recipients of the 2020 Helveticahaus design scholarship. They’re the next generation of graphic designers, and honestly, we couldn’t be more proud – or more excited for the future. And who couldn’t use a little more excitement after [...]

October 9th, 2020|news|

The 2020 Helveticahaus Scholarship application is LIVE!

In the 1965 film Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet – set in the year 2020 – the moon has been colonized and cosmonauts are on their way to Venus. (Spoiler alert: They land on the surface and do battle with, you guessed it, all manner of giant prehistoric beasts. Obviously.) In real-life 2020, however, it’s been nearly 50 years since anyone’s set foot on the moon and nobody even talks about Venus. Thanks to COVID-19, your first year in design school is abruptly cut short, you have to stand in line outside of Trader Joe’s just to buy a banana, and [...]

May 22nd, 2020|news|
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