It’s hard to say what 2024 Hh scholarship winner Gavin Davis will perform for his next gig.

Music or graphic design?

Either way, he’s got the talent and drive to pull it off.

Gavin tells us that music was his first love – and from the way he talks about his middle and high school years, we know he means it. To the point of staying in the band room every day after school until the staff kicked him out and locked the building.

Talk about a serious band nerd.

After high school, he graduated to bona fide musician, earning a bachelor’s in music. That’s about the time he discovered graphic design. Like the rest of us, he was hooked.

“At first, I was creating art for personal value. Then I started doing freelance work for friends, and it just grew from there,” says Gavin. “I never expected to find a new passion, but I did. And it inspired me to go back to school.”

Even though he’s pursuing a new passion, Gavin hasn’t given up his old one. The trained percussionist teaches private lessons and works part-time with the marching band at Cheney High School. He sees key parallels between music and design, and he can imagine a career that draws from both skill sets.

“Whether we’re talking about music or design, you have to know the language,” says Gavin. “And you need to grasp the norms and conventions before you can break them.”

We couldn’t agree more.

P.S. Want to help fund next year’s scholarship? Buy something cool.

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