• haus mug

    These exquisite mugs have been designed to not only look great, but also to make everything in them taste 43 percent more delicious. (Except, of course, for our haus blend coffee, which couldn’t possibly taste any better.) Be sure to include a coaster set for an extra dose of style and sophistication. Available in seven Hh designs – hi (Tt no. 1), red Hh, artist no. 1, artist no. 2, artist no. 3, artist no. 4, and artist no. 5.
  • Our very own international style: Beans from Guatemala, Peru, and Brazil join a sans serif typeface from Switzerland in a coffee so smooth and balanced that it’s just as delicious from a French press as it is in an Italian ristretto. (Or a good old-fashioned American drip.) Wondering what to put this delicious brew in? Wonder no more.
  • These vintage coasters have been designed and engineered to handle everything from coffee mugs and tea cups to frothy steins of delicious, refreshing Helles. Enliven social gatherings and stimulate conversation about Helvetica’s superiority over all other fonts. Beverages not included.


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